Manage discounts easily for your Ecommerce business with ZenBasket


Discounts play a vital role in Ecommerce businesses as they are effective in attracting and incentivizing customers. However, managing various discount rules can become a daunting task, especially when multiple rules need to be applied concurrently. In this section, we will explore the complexities of managing discount rules and see how ZenBasket simplifies this process.

Managing discount rules can be challenging, particularly when businesses want to offer customers a combination of discounts, such as a percentage off on specific products or buy one get one free promotion. For businesses, manually tracking and applying these complex discount rules can lead to errors, confusion and create a negative customer experience.

With ZenBasket, businesses can easily manage discount rules. The platform offers a user-friendly interface where you can set up and customize your desired discount rules. ZenBasket simplifies the entire process.

ZenBasket Solutions

ZenBasket offers a range of benefits that simplify the shopping experience for both businesses and customers. Let’s explore how ZenBasket’s innovative solutions can enhance your online shopping.

Automated Cart Discounts

The automated cart discount system offered by ZenBasket enhances business operations, enhancing efficiency and delivering a positive shopping experience for customers. By automating the discount process, businesses can eliminate human error and ensure accurate pricing. With ZenBasket, there are no more worries about forgetting to apply a discount or incorrectly calculating it. ZenBasket covers it all, ensuring a hassle-free checkout experience for both businesses and customers.

For example, when you have a fixed discount type with a value of $2.00, the discount will be automatically applied during the checkout process once the item is added to the cart.

Store admin setup:


Storefront view:


Once an item is added to the cart if you have a discount type with a value of 20%, the discount will be automatically applied during the checkout process.

Store admin setup:


Storefront view:


When offering a Buy X Get Y Free incentive, the free item will be automatically applied during the checkout process, when conditions are met.

Store admin setup:


Storefront view:


Enhanced Discount Visibility

At ZenBasket, we believe in prioritizing clear and transparent discount details to your customers throughout their shopping experience. One of the ways we achieve this is by prominently displaying applied discounts in the shopping cart. Our goal is to ensure that your customers are well-informed about the savings they are receiving. This transparency helps build trust and enhances the overall shopping experience, giving customers the confidence to make informed purchasing decisions.

When a customer adds an item to their cart and a fixed discount with a value of $2.00 is applicable, the discount is automatically applied at checkout. This feature ensures that customers can see the discounted price for the item and the savings they are receiving.

Storefront view:


When a customer adds an item to their cart and a 20% percentage discount is applicable, the previously applied fixed discount of $2 will also be shown alongside this percentage discount. Customers can select any of the displayed discounts to avail, and the chosen discount will be automatically applied.

Storefront view:


When you use a Buy X Get Y Free offer with a 100% discount and you qualify for this offer, the free item will be added automatically when you check out.

When you use a Buy X Get Y Free offer with a 50% discount, the free item won’t be added automatically during checkout. Instead, you’ll see the Buy X Get Y offer available for you to claim. When you claim it, another product will be added to your cart and this additional product will have a 50% discount applied to it.

Storefront view:



In conclusion, ZenBasket is transforming the way businesses handle discount rules and providing an enhanced shopping experience for customers. By automating the discount process, businesses can eliminate errors and ensure accurate pricing, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. With ZenBasket, businesses can easily set up and customize discount rules, whether it’s for limited time promotions, order value based discounts, or customer specific offers. The platform also offers a clear and visible representation of applied discounts, building trust and empowering customers to make informed purchasing decisions. With ZenBasket, businesses can focus on other critical aspects of their operations while enjoying an efficient discount management system. Start experiencing an easier and more efficient way of managing your discounts and promotions with ZenBasket.


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A Leading IT Staffing, Custom Software and SaaS Product Development company founded in 2003. We offer a wide range of scalable, innovative IT Staffing and Software Development Solutions.


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