AWS Cloud — A Beginner’s Guide

AWS Cloud — A Beginner’s guide

Albeit being around since the 1960’s and the never-ending trails of Cloud providers, Cloud has become more common knowledge in the last decade. Popular companies have invested and delivered us some pretty sophisticated platforms to work on.

In short cloud is an internet-based computing services that lets you access data, services or resources across the network. This has been a game changer for enterprises as they can share computing, storage and resources rather than investing time and energy to build these for themselves.

So, what should you know about AWS?

Amazon Web Services, among other services offers cloud computing platform service (database storage, virtual cloud server etc.,) available on demand. AWS, Amazon Web Services provides an all-around Cloud Platform as a Service. It provides platform, Infrastructure and Software services (PaaS, SaaS, IaaS). With previous AWS Cloud versions, users had to make a choice selecting either developing at a faster rate or preserving the data load. With the recent versions one doesn’t have to compromise as it focuses on providing both business agility and business control.

People choose AWS for one of the following requirements — Scalability, Experience, Simplicity, Coverage, third-party partnership, Cost savings etc.

How secure is AWS Cloud?

Cloud security is of the highest priority at AWS. Amazon Inspector, an automated security service, assesses the nature of the data and keeps track of the activities so that even at the slightest suspect, they start notifying their users. AWS aims to protect its customer’s privacy. It lets you create and manage private networks. Another thing I appreciate about AWS is that you only pay for the services you use.

AWS offers Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud services. Public clouds where third party users access cloud via Internet. Private cloud similar to public’s features except is focused to a definitive group. Hybrid incorporates both public and private’s features.

Notable details about AWS Cloud

Compared to other Cloud providers out there, you only pay for the services that you use and that is a sweet deal. Added, with the cloud you don’t own servers or the necessary tools that’s a plus on time, energy and resources. This establishes from various aspects that Cloud is cost beneficial.

Organized reliability focuses on a much more consistent service proving stability and reliability.

Two words. Unlimited Storage. Everybody has had that day, when you had to clean the junk just to store some important document. Those days are a haze now. Even when a sever crashes, you can transfer it to another server. Another thing is you can access how big or how small data you want.

The most familiar option with clouds these days is the backup & restore option. Now say, you face a technical glitch and lost some data there is a much better chance of retrieving it in the cloud.

Things that require additional attention

Security has always been an issue with Clouds. Although, Clouds practise standardized and certified security measures. AWS infrastructure offers flexibility, scalability that ensures their customers don’t have any set backs during deployment, it doesn’t eliminate the risks.

Another problem that enterprises face with Cloud is that they have serious loading issues. Yes, they offer services to millions of clients across the globe and offline access is still questionable.


To sum it all up, AWS has better features, various service changes and (bonus) at a better price. Cloud has better features but only you can be the judge of what might suit you and your business. If you feel that your data might be risky, there are better options out there.


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A Leading IT Staffing, Custom Software and SaaS Product Development company founded in 2003. We offer a wide range of scalable, innovative IT Staffing and Software Development Solutions.


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