Cloud Implementation for a Multi-National Lead Market


Team of market veterans, technologists and domain specialists that build innovative market-centric platforms to help their customers grow faster with the cloud services. Cloud is a good choice to forward with the growing demand for flexibility and an increase in competition.

Cloud in Multi-National Lead Market


Centizen’s expert is helping clients with various Cloud Services from picking the best service provider and essential tools to meet your requirements. A Client in marketing Tech Leads required help integrating Cloud to their framework.


A large MNC firm with its complex production environment with a staging tier needed to deploy by accommodating scalability,security and higher efficiency. The Client wanted to handle this deployment by integrating to a highly secured platform.


Centizen designed a plan that would support the existing infrastructure with enhanced security with a Load Balancer (as a Proxy) for handling the Application & Database servers. The App tier was deployed for supporting scalability to handle high user traffics. The framework also required defined access controls for handling their storage. The CRM Leads database should be highly restricted and kept secured to prevent unauthorized access hence encryption was implemented.


  • A more secure and cost-effective IT environment based on a Cloud that can handle scalability.
  • Faster Time to market because of lower learning curves and easily adaptation with agile framework.
  • Focus on Core Business without worrying about the security or relative issues.

We can Help.


A Leading IT Staffing, Custom Software and SaaS Product Development company founded in 2003. We offer a wide range of scalable, innovative IT Staffing and Software Development Solutions.

Contact Us

USA: +1 (971) 420-1700
Canada: +1 (971) 420-1700
India: +91 63807-80156


A Leading IT Staffing, Custom Software and SaaS Product Development company founded in 2003. We offer a wide range of scalable, innovative IT Staffing and Software Development Solutions.


Contact Us

USA: +1 (971) 420-1700
Canada: +1 (971) 420-1700
India: +91 63807-80156