Document Management System – A Case Study


Documents are crucial for every business as they hold information as of how, what and when things were done. It helps a company to keep track of their performances across multiple fields like health care, manufacture, automobile, finance, or any other business. So every business needs Document Management System.

Document Management system


Our leading client of an electronic based-firm needed a better way to manage their documents. The company had worked out a basic design that matched their business flow. However, their IT team lacked necessary experience to complete the management application itself.


Document Management system has a challenging infrastructure management such as server, authorization to access the documents, capacity provisioning and providing quality service while keeping costs low. DMS should allow creation, storage, managing, indexing, protection, and retrieval of digital documents.

Without version control and file locking, users could not keep track of changes, and had to deal with multiple copies of the same files that need to be merged manually. Additionally, the Client team was worried about data security and the possibility of losing documents.

Centizen Solution

Centizen came up with the solution by creating a platform on Document Management System. The platform provides authorization and authentication to access application in a secure way using Amazon Cognito. It will keep the business documents safe and secure in the Cloud Storage. This design was necessary due to the large number of documents and the need for fault-tolerance.

DMS provides user level access, prevents overriding documentsand makes information access a breeze, increased productivity and efficiency, easier search & retrieval, highly scalable custom serverless application for the client. A new standard way of working with documents and information, so that users can focus more on doing their jobs and worry less about version control.

Outcomes/ Business Values

  • Limitless Storage
  • Documents that have to be backed up and can often be stored on expensive servers.DMS is a serverless application, hence cost effective, easy backup and disaster recovery
  • Enhanced Data Security
  • DMS provides better control over sensitive documents. Access to documents can be controlled at the folder level for different groups or individuals. Cognito Authentication, increases flexibility, improves Client relations and user-friendly application.
  • Easy Retrieval
  • DMS can retrieve files by a word or phrase in a document – full text search, or DMS can apply index categories to a document or folder. Easier integration with business applications facilitates access to critical information.

We can Help.


A Leading IT Staffing, Custom Software and SaaS Product Development company founded in 2003. We offer a wide range of scalable, innovative IT Staffing and Software Development Solutions.

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A Leading IT Staffing, Custom Software and SaaS Product Development company founded in 2003. We offer a wide range of scalable, innovative IT Staffing and Software Development Solutions.


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