Tech Leaders Thoughts on Remote Work

In recent years, organisations have seamlessly transitioned from their conventional office settings to the work-from-home culture. This has brought about a realization that productivity does not depend on the number of hours an employee spends in the office but has the work done on time. Roughly 56 percent of global organisations have adopted the remote work culture , based on factors such as worldwide skilled workforce, economical and high productivity. Still, there are companies who are skeptical about the effectiveness of the Remote work culture and managing remote employees. The state of Remote work found that employees who work remotely at least once per month were 24% more productive than in-house work. Also, the report states, remote workers are likely to stay in their current job for the next 5 years. Below are some of the top-notch tech leaders and their thoughts about the new Remote Work culture.

Top 10 Remote Management Motivational Quotes

1. Kenneth Matos,

Director of People Science at Culture Amp

“People today really value workplace flexibility and remote work because it allows them to focus their energies on work and life as opposed to commuting or other complications due to geography..”

2. Michael Dell,

Chairman and CEO of Dell Technologies

“Technology now allows people to connect anytime, anywhere, to anyone in the world, from almost any device. This is dramatically changing the way people work, facilitating 24/7 collaboration with colleagues who are dispersed across time zones, countries, and continents”

3. Spencer Jentzsch,

Head of Community at Baremetrics

“So many people think that the remote work community is made up of only spoiled, privileged millennials and Instagram influencers, and that’s not who we are. We’re people of all ages, from all countries and all socio-economic classes, and what brings us together is our shared mindset that we want to do something different and have adventures sooner, rather than later in life..”

4. Larry English,

President at Centric Consulting

“Giving employees great autonomy and flexibility allows people to feel independent and empowered while still feeling like a part of something bigger. This leads to happy, loyal employees with a rich quality of life, which in turn leads to an amazing culture.”

5. David Fullerton,

Executive Vice President of Engineering at Heap

“Our guiding management philosophy is: ‘Hire smart people and get out of their way.’”

6. Richard Branson,

Founder at Virgin Group

“We like to give people the freedom to work where they want, safe in the knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to perform excellently, whether they are at their desk or in their kitchen. Yours truly has never worked out of an office, and never will.”

7. Drew Houston,

CEO of Dropbox

“The workplace will now be wherever work happens, and the workweek will be whenever work happens best for each person.”

8. Mark Zuckerberg,

Co-founder and chief executive of Meta Platforms

“There are some very clear benefits to remote work. It lets us access talent pools outside of traditional tech hubs in big cities — and that should help spread economic opportunity much more widely around the country and world while also helping us build a more diverse company.”

9. Mark Lobosco,

VP, Talent Solutions at LinkedIn

“Now that companies have built the framework – and experienced the cost and time savings associated with it – there’s no real reason to turn back.”

10. David Coplin,

Chief Envisioning Officer, The Envisioners Ltd

“We need to take a more flexible approach to both the workplace and the work we do; one that provides us both the physical and cognitive space to harness the incredible power, insight and experience we offer, but focused not on the individual processes but instead on the overall outcomes our organisations are seeking to achieve.”

Final Thoughts

Getting your work done by a remote team that is out of sight may seem quite challenging. Managing a remote team that is in different time zones might seem nearly impossible. But communication is key. With proper use of technology and tools, monitoring remote teams can be a breeze. We at Centizen talent hub have over 5+ years of experience in finding the best talents as per your business needs. Centizen makes it easier for you to bring on vetted talents ready to work independently. With our sourcing & hiring team, we can help you find the right employee with suitable skills and culture.


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